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- /*
- Amiga port by Oliver Gantert
- 27.04.2000 - fixed some compiler warnings
- */
- /*
- ORBIT, a freeware space combat simulator
- Copyright (C) 1999 Steve Belczyk <steve1@genesis.nred.ma.us>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- #include "orbit.h"
- /* File descriptor stack */
- #define NFDS (16)
- FILE *fd[NFDS];
- int sp;
- char token[128], tokens[10][128];
- int iact;
- int planet_index;
- int weapon_index;
- int TAflag;
- #define TRIGGER 0
- #define ACTION 1
- void ReadMission (char *msn)
- /*
- * Read a mission file
- */
- {
- char fn[128], buf[128];
- int i;
- /* Bye if no file name */
- if ( (msn == NULL) || (msn[0] == 0) )
- {
- Mprint ("No mission to load!");
- Log ("ReadMission: No mission to load!");
- return;
- }
- /* Construct file name */
- sprintf (fn, "missions/%s", msn);
- Log ("ReadMission: reading %s", fn);
- /* Init some stuff */
- mission.cursor[0] = mission.cursor[1] = mission.cursor[2] = 0.0;
- mission.verbose = 0;
- strcpy (mission.fn, msn);
- player.score = 0;
- mission.briefing[0] = 0;
- for (i=0; i<10; i++) tokens[i][0] = 0;
- sp = 0;
- /* Reset targets, events, weapons and planets, etc; */
- InitTargets();
- ResetEvents();
- InitWeapons();
- ResetPlanets();
- InitWaypoints();
- lock.target = (-1);
- /* Open the file */
- if (NULL == (fd[0] = fopen (fn, "r")))
- {
- Log ("ReadMission: Can't open %s", fn);
- sprintf (buf, "Can't open mission file %s", fn);
- Mprint (buf);
- return;
- }
- /* Process tokens */
- while (GetToken())
- {
- if (!strcasecmp (token, "cursor")) Cursor();
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "player")) Player();
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "waypoint")) Waypoint();
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "object")) Object();
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "briefing")) Briefing();
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "verbose")) mission.verbose = 1;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "terse")) mission.verbose = 0;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "event")) Event();
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "planet")) Planet();
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "weapon")) Weapon();
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "include")) Include();
- else UnrecognizedToken();
- }
- /* Add mission to saved games list */
- AddSave (mission.fn);
- /* Show mission briefing */
- Mprint (mission.briefing);
- Log ("ReadMission: Done reading mission");
- }
- int GetToken()
- /*
- * Read next token from file
- */
- {
- /* Get next token */
- if (1 != fscanf (fd[0], "%s", token))
- {
- fclose (fd[0]);
- /* Inside include? */
- if (!PopFD()) return 0;
- /* Recurse */
- return (GetToken());
- }
- RotateTokens();
- /* Start of comment? */
- if (strcasecmp (token, "/*")) return (1);
- /* Look for end of comment */
- do
- {
- if (1 != fscanf (fd[0], "%s", token))
- {
- fclose (fd[0]);
- /* Inside include? */
- if (!PopFD()) return 0;
- }
- RotateTokens();
- }
- while (strcasecmp (token, "*/"));
- /* Recurse to get next token */
- return (GetToken());
- }
- void RotateTokens()
- {
- int i;
- for (i=9; i>0; i--) strcpy (tokens[i], tokens[i-1]);
- strcpy (tokens[0], token);
- }
- void ShowTokens()
- {
- Log ("Recent tokens: %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s",
- tokens[9], tokens[8], tokens[7], tokens[6], tokens[5],
- tokens[4], tokens[3], tokens[2], tokens[1], tokens[0]);
- }
- int GetBrace()
- /*
- * Get open brace, error otherwise
- */
- {
- if (!GetToken())
- {
- Log ("GetBrace: Unexpected end of file in %s!", mission.fn);
- ShowTokens();
- FinishSound();
- CloseLog();
- exit (0);
- }
- if (strcmp (token, "{"))
- {
- Log ("GetBrace: Expected '{', found '%s'", token);
- ShowTokens();
- FinishSound();
- CloseLog();
- exit (0);
- }
- return (1);
- }
- int GetRequiredToken()
- /*
- * Get a token, error if EOF
- */
- {
- if (!GetToken())
- {
- Log ("GetRequiredToken: Unexpected end of file in %s!", mission.fn);
- ShowTokens();
- FinishSound();
- CloseLog();
- exit (0);
- }
- return(1);
- }
- void Cursor()
- {
- int xyzflag, relflag;
- double x;
- GetBrace();
- xyzflag = 0;
- while (GetToken())
- {
- if (!strcmp (token, "}")) return;
- if ( (token[0] == '+') || (token[0] == '-') ||
- ((token[0] >= '0') && (token[0] <= '9')) )
- {
- /* It's a number */
- /* See if abs or relative */
- relflag = 0;
- if (token[0] == '+') relflag = 1;
- if (token[0] == '-') relflag = 1;
- sscanf (token, "%lf", &x);
- x = x / KM_TO_UNITS1;
- if (relflag)
- mission.cursor[xyzflag] += x;
- else
- mission.cursor[xyzflag] = x;
- xyzflag = (xyzflag + 1) % 3;
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("Set cursor to %lf %lf %lf",
- mission.cursor[0],
- mission.cursor[1],
- mission.cursor[2]);
- }
- else
- {
- /* It's a planet */
- if (!CursorPlanet()) CursorObject();
- if (mission.verbose)
- {
- Log ("Cursor: Setting cursor to %s",
- token);
- Log ("Cursor: (Set cursor to %lf %lf %lf)",
- mission.cursor[0],
- mission.cursor[1],
- mission.cursor[2]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int CursorPlanet()
- {
- int p;
- for (p=0; p<NPLANETS; p++)
- {
- if (!strcasecmp (token, planet[p].name))
- {
- Vset (mission.cursor, planet[p].pos);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- Log ("CursorPlanet: No such planet: %s", token);
- return 0;
- }
- int CursorObject()
- {
- int t;
- for (t=0; t<NTARGETS; t++)
- {
- if (target[t].age > 0.0)
- {
- if (!strcasecmp (token, target[t].name))
- {
- Vset (mission.cursor, target[t].pos);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- Log ("CursorObject: No such object: %s", token);
- return 0;
- }
- void Player()
- {
- GetBrace();
- mission.player[0] = mission.cursor[0];
- mission.player[1] = mission.cursor[1];
- mission.player[2] = mission.cursor[2];
- player.vel[0] = player.vel[1] = player.vel[2] = 0.0;
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("Player: Set player position to %lf %lf %lf",
- mission.player[0], mission.player[1], mission.player[2]);
- Vset (player.pos, mission.player);
- while (GetToken())
- {
- if (!strcmp (token, "}")) return;
- else
- {
- UnrecognizedToken();
- }
- }
- }
- void Waypoint()
- {
- GetBrace();
- if (mission.verbose) Log ("Waypoint: Adding waypoint %d", nwaypoints);
- AddWaypoint (mission.cursor);
- while (GetToken())
- {
- if (!strcmp (token, "}")) return;
- else
- {
- UnrecognizedToken();
- }
- }
- }
- void Briefing()
- {
- mission.briefing[0] = 0;
- GetBrace();
- while (GetToken())
- {
- if (!strcmp (token, "}"))
- {
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("Briefing: %s", mission.briefing);
- return;
- }
- strcat (mission.briefing, " ");
- strcat (mission.briefing, token);
- }
- }
- void UnrecognizedToken()
- {
- Log ("UnrecognizedToken: Skipping unrecognized token \"%s\" in %s",
- token, mission.fn);
- ShowTokens();
- }
- void Object()
- {
- int t;
- GetBrace();
- /* Find an unused target */
- t = FindTarget();
- if (mission.verbose) Log ("Object: Creating object %d", t);
- /* Set it up */
- Vset (target[t].pos, mission.cursor);
- target[t].age = 0.1;
- target[t].view[0] = 1.0;
- target[t].view[1] = target[t].view[2] = 0.0;
- target[t].hidden = 0;
- target[t].invisible = 0;
- target[t].up[0] = 0.0;
- target[t].up[1] = 0.0;
- target[t].up[2] = 1.0;
- target[t].strategy = STRAT_DONOTHING;
- target[t].friendly = 0;
- target[t].weapon = NPLAYER_WEAPONS;
- Crossp (target[t].right, target[t].up, target[t].view);
- target[t].vel[0] = target[t].vel[1] = target[t].vel[2] = 0.0;
- target[t].move_forward = target[t].move_backward =
- target[t].move_up = target[t].move_down =
- target[t].move_pitchleft = target[t].move_pitchright =
- target[t].move_left = target[t].move_right = 0.0;
- target[t].model = 0;
- target[t].list = model[0].list;
- target[t].score = 0;
- strcpy (target[t].name, model[0].name);
- target[t].maxshields = 100.0;
- target[t].shieldregen = SHIELD_REGEN;
- target[t].turnrate = 0.3;
- target[t].maxvel = 0.01;
- while (GetToken())
- {
- if (!strcmp (token, "}")) return;
- if (!strcasecmp (token, "model")) ObjModel (t);
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "score")) ObjScore (t);
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "strategy")) ObjStrategy (t);
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "name")) ObjName (t);
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "hidden")) ObjHidden (t);
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "weapon")) ObjWeapon (t);
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "friendly")) ObjFriendly (t);
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "maxshields")) ObjMaxshields (t);
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "shieldregen")) ObjShieldregen (t);
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "turnrate")) ObjTurnrate (t);
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "speed")) ObjSpeed (t);
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "invisible")) ObjInvisible (t);
- else UnrecognizedToken ();
- }
- }
- void ObjMaxshields (int t)
- {
- GetRequiredToken();
- target[t].maxshields = atof (token);
- target[t].shields = target[t].maxshields;
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("ObjMaxshields: Object %d shields set to %lf", t, target[t].shields);
- }
- void ObjShieldregen (int t)
- {
- GetRequiredToken();
- target[t].shieldregen = atof (token);
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("ObjShieldregen: Object %d regen set to %lf", t, target[t].shieldregen);
- }
- void ObjTurnrate (int t)
- {
- GetRequiredToken();
- target[t].turnrate = atof (token);
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("ObjTurnrate: Object %d turnrate set to %lf", t, target[t].turnrate);
- }
- void ObjSpeed (int t)
- {
- GetRequiredToken();
- target[t].maxvel = atof (token);
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("ObjSpeed: Object %d speed set to %lf", t, target[t].maxvel);
- }
- void ObjModel (int t)
- {
- int m;
- GetRequiredToken();
- m = LoadModel (token);
- target[t].model = m;
- if (m == (-1))
- {
- Log ("ObjModel: Couldn't open model %s", token);
- }
- else
- {
- target[t].list = model[m].list;
- }
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("ObjModel: Object %d model set to %s", t, model[m].name);
- }
- void ObjScore (int t)
- {
- GetRequiredToken();
- sscanf (token, "%d", &target[t].score);
- if (mission.verbose) Log ("ObjScore: Object %d score is %d",
- t, target[t].score);
- }
- void ObjName (int t)
- {
- GetRequiredToken();
- strcpy (target[t].name, token);
- if (mission.verbose) Log ("ObjName: Object %d named \"%s\"",
- t, target[t].name);
- }
- void ObjStrategy (int t)
- {
- GetRequiredToken();
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("ObjStrategy: Setting object %d strategy to %s", t, token);
- if (!strcasecmp (token, "sit1"))
- {
- target[t].strategy = STRAT_SIT1;
- }
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "sit2"))
- {
- target[t].strategy = STRAT_SIT2;
- }
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "sit3"))
- {
- target[t].strategy = STRAT_SIT3;
- }
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "sit4"))
- {
- target[t].strategy = STRAT_SIT4;
- }
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "hunt1"))
- {
- target[t].strategy = STRAT_HUNT1;
- }
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "hunt2"))
- {
- target[t].strategy = STRAT_HUNT2;
- }
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "hunt3"))
- {
- target[t].strategy = STRAT_HUNT3;
- }
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "hunt4"))
- {
- target[t].strategy = STRAT_HUNT4;
- }
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "donothing"))
- {
- target[t].strategy = STRAT_DONOTHING;
- }
- else
- {
- Log ("ObjStrategy: No such strategy: %s", token);
- }
- }
- void ObjHidden (int t)
- {
- target[t].hidden = 1;
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("ObjHidden: Object %d is hidden", t);
- }
- void ObjInvisible (int t)
- {
- target[t].invisible = 1;
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("ObjInvisible: Object %d is invisible", t);
- }
- void ObjFriendly (int t)
- {
- target[t].friendly = 1;
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("ObjFriendly: Object %d is friendly", t);
- }
- void ObjWeapon (int t)
- {
- GetRequiredToken();
- target[t].weapon = atoi (token);
- if ( (target[t].weapon >= NWEAPONS) ||
- (target[t].weapon < 0) )
- target[t].weapon = 0;
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("ObjWeapon: Object %d weapon set to %d", t, target[t].weapon);
- }
- void Event()
- {
- int e, a;
- GetBrace();
- /* Find an unused event entry */
- e = FindEvent();
- if (mission.verbose) Log ("Event: Creating event %d", e);
- /* Index to next action */
- iact = (-1);
- /* Values for triggers or actions? */
- TAflag = TRIGGER;
- /* Set up some stuff */
- event[e].name[0] = 0;
- event[e].enabled = 1;
- event[e].trigger = EVENT_NULL;
- Vset (event[e].pos, mission.cursor);
- event[e].ivalue = 0;
- event[e].fvalue = 0.0;
- for (a=0; a<ACTIONS_PER_EVENT; a++)
- {
- event[e].action[a].active = 0;
- event[e].action[a].action = EVENT_NULL;
- event[e].action[a].ivalue = 0;
- event[e].action[a].fvalue = 0.0;
- }
- /* Process rest of event tokens */
- while (1)
- {
- GetRequiredToken();
- if (!strcmp (token, "}"))
- {
- /* Convert units if this is Approach or Depart */
- if ( (event[e].trigger == EVENT_APPROACH) ||
- (event[e].trigger == EVENT_STOPNEAR) ||
- (event[e].trigger == EVENT_DEPART) )
- {
- event[e].fvalue /= KM_TO_UNITS1;
- }
- /* Shields is weird, has a text and floating value */
- if (event[e].trigger == EVENT_SHIELDS)
- {
- sscanf (event[e].cvalue, "%*s %lf", &event[e].fvalue);
- sscanf (event[e].cvalue, "%s", event[e].cvalue);
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("Event: EVENT_SHIELDS target %s value %lf",
- event[e].cvalue, event[e].fvalue);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (!strcasecmp (token, "trigger")) EvTrigger (e);
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "name")) EvName (e);
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "action")) EvAction (e);
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "value")) EvValue (e);
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "enabled")) event[e].enabled = 1;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "disabled")) event[e].enabled = 0;
- else UnrecognizedToken ();
- }
- }
- void EvName (int e)
- {
- GetRequiredToken();
- strcpy (event[e].name, token);
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("EvName: Event %d named %s", e, token);
- }
- void EvTrigger (int e)
- {
- GetRequiredToken();
- TAflag = TRIGGER;
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("EvTrigger: Setting event %d trigger to %s", e, token);
- if (!strcasecmp (token, "approach")) event[e].trigger = EVENT_APPROACH;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "depart")) event[e].trigger = EVENT_DEPART;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "true")) event[e].trigger = EVENT_TRUE;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "score")) event[e].trigger = EVENT_SCORE;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "destroy")) event[e].trigger = EVENT_DESTROY;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "alarm")) event[e].trigger = EVENT_ALARM;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "stopnear")) event[e].trigger = EVENT_STOPNEAR;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "shields")) event[e].trigger = EVENT_SHIELDS;
- else UnrecognizedToken();
- }
- void EvAction (int e)
- {
- /* Bump action index */
- iact++;
- if (iact >= ACTIONS_PER_EVENT)
- {
- Log ("EvAction: Too many actions in event %d!", e);
- iact--;
- }
- event[e].action[iact].active = 1;
- TAflag = ACTION;
- GetRequiredToken();
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("EvAction: Setting event %d.%d action to %s", e, iact, token);
- if (!strcasecmp (token, "message")) event[e].action[iact].action = EVENT_MESSAGE;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "hide")) event[e].action[iact].action = EVENT_HIDE;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "unhide")) event[e].action[iact].action = EVENT_UNHIDE;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "destroy")) event[e].action[iact].action = EVENT_DESTROY;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "score")) event[e].action[iact].action = EVENT_SCORE;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "enable")) event[e].action[iact].action = EVENT_ENABLE;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "disable")) event[e].action[iact].action = EVENT_DISABLE;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "loadmission")) event[e].action[iact].action = EVENT_LOADMISSION;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "stop")) event[e].action[iact].action = EVENT_STOP;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "boom")) event[e].action[iact].action = EVENT_BOOM;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "flash")) event[e].action[iact].action = EVENT_FLASH;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "moveobject")) event[e].action[iact].action = EVENT_MOVEOBJECT;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "moveplayer")) event[e].action[iact].action = EVENT_MOVEPLAYER;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "moveplanet")) event[e].action[iact].action = EVENT_MOVEPLANET;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "hideplanet")) event[e].action[iact].action = EVENT_HIDEPLANET;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "unhideplanet")) event[e].action[iact].action = EVENT_UNHIDEPLANET;
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "betray")) event[e].action[iact].action = EVENT_BETRAY;
- else UnrecognizedToken();
- }
- void EvValue (int e)
- {
- char buf[4096];
- GetRequiredToken();
- buf[0] = 0;
- if (strcmp (token, "{"))
- {
- strcpy (buf, token);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Allow text enclosed in braces */
- while (1)
- {
- GetRequiredToken();
- if (!strcmp (token, "}"))
- {
- break;
- }
- /* Add space if not first one */
- if (0 != buf) strcat (buf, " ");
- strcat (buf, token);
- }
- }
- /* Figure out what to do with this value */
- if (TAflag == TRIGGER)
- {
- /* It's the trigger's value */
- if (NULL == (event[e].cvalue = (char *) malloc (1+strlen(buf))))
- {
- OutOfMemory();
- }
- strcpy (event[e].cvalue, buf);
- event[e].ivalue = atoi (buf);
- event[e].fvalue = atof (buf);
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("EvValue: Event %d trigger value set to %s", e, buf);
- }
- else
- {
- /* It's the action's value */
- if (NULL == (event[e].action[iact].cvalue = (char *) malloc (1+strlen(buf))))
- {
- OutOfMemory();
- }
- strcpy (event[e].action[iact].cvalue, buf);
- event[e].action[iact].ivalue = atoi (buf);
- event[e].action[iact].fvalue = atof (buf);
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("EvValue: Event %d.%d action set to %s", e, iact, buf);
- }
- }
- void Weapon()
- /*
- * Handle weapon token
- */
- {
- weapon_index = (-1);
- GetBrace();
- while (GetToken())
- {
- if (!strcmp (token, "}"))
- {
- /* Recompute weapon ranges */
- WeaponRanges();
- return;
- }
- if (!strcasecmp (token, "index")) WeaponIndex();
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "name")) WeaponName();
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "speed")) WeaponSpeed();
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "yield")) WeaponYield();
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "idle")) WeaponIdle();
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "expire")) WeaponExpire();
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "renderer")) WeaponRenderer();
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "color")) WeaponColor();
- else UnrecognizedToken();
- }
- }
- void WeaponIndex()
- {
- int w;
- GetToken();
- w = atoi (token);
- if ( (w >= 0) && (w < NWEAPONS) )
- {
- weapon_index = w;
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("WeaponIndex: Index set to %d", w);
- }
- }
- void WeaponName()
- {
- GetToken();
- if (weapon_index == (-1)) return;
- strcpy (weapon[weapon_index].name, token);
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("WeaponName: Weapon %d named %s", weapon_index, token);
- }
- void WeaponSpeed()
- {
- GetToken();
- if (weapon_index == (-1)) return;
- weapon[weapon_index].speed = atof (token) / KM_TO_UNITS1;
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("WeaponSpeed: Weapon %d speed is %lf", weapon_index, weapon[weapon_index].speed);
- }
- void WeaponYield()
- {
- GetToken();
- if (weapon_index == (-1)) return;
- weapon[weapon_index].yield = atof (token);
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("WeaponYield: Weapon %d yield is %lf", weapon_index, weapon[weapon_index].yield);
- }
- void WeaponIdle()
- {
- GetToken();
- if (weapon_index == (-1)) return;
- weapon[weapon_index].idle = atof (token);
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("WeaponIdle: Weapon %d idle is %lf", weapon_index, weapon[weapon_index].idle);
- }
- void WeaponExpire()
- {
- GetToken();
- if (weapon_index == (-1)) return;
- weapon[weapon_index].expire = atof (token);
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("WeaponExpire: Weapon %d expire is %lf", weapon_index, weapon[weapon_index].expire);
- }
- void WeaponRenderer()
- {
- int r;
- GetToken();
- if (weapon_index == (-1)) return;
- r = atoi (token);
- if ( (r >= 0) && (r < 5) )
- {
- weapon[weapon_index].renderer = r;
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("WeaponRenderer: Weapon %d renderer set to %d", weapon_index, r);
- }
- else
- {
- Log ("WeaponRenderer: Renderer out of range: %d", r);
- }
- }
- void WeaponColor()
- {
- int c, r, g, b;
- GetToken();
- if (weapon_index == (-1)) return;
- sscanf (token, "%i", &c);
- r = (0xff0000 & c) >> 16;
- g = (0x00ff00 & c) >> 8;
- b = (0x0000ff & c);
- weapon[weapon_index].color[0] = ((float) r) / 256.0;
- weapon[weapon_index].color[1] = ((float) g) / 256.0;
- weapon[weapon_index].color[2] = ((float) b) / 256.0;
- }
- void Planet()
- /*
- * Handle the planet token
- */
- {
- planet_index = (-1);
- GetBrace();
- while (GetToken())
- {
- if (!strcmp (token, "}")) return;
- if (!strcasecmp (token, "name")) PlanetName();
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "newname")) PlanetNewname();
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "reposition")) PlanetReposition();
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "hidden")) PlanetHidden();
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "map")) PlanetMap();
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "oblicity")) PlanetOblicity();
- else if (!strcasecmp (token, "radius")) PlanetRadius();
- else UnrecognizedToken();
- }
- }
- void PlanetOblicity()
- {
- GetToken();
- if (planet_index == (-1)) return;
- planet[planet_index].oblicity = atof (token);
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("PlanetOblicity: %s oblicity is %lf",
- planet[planet_index].name, planet[planet_index].oblicity);
- }
- void PlanetRadius()
- {
- int p;
- GetToken();
- if (planet_index == (-1)) return;
- p = planet_index;
- planet[p].radius = atof (token) / KM_TO_UNITS1;
- planet[p].radius2 = planet[p].radius * planet[p].radius;
- planet[p].mass = planet[p].radius * planet[p].radius2;
- MakePlanetList (p);
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("PlanetRadius: %s radius is %lf",
- planet[planet_index].name, planet[planet_index].radius);
- }
- void PlanetMap()
- {
- GetToken();
- if (planet_index == (-1)) return;
- /* Set new texture */
- strcpy (planet[planet_index].texfname, token);
- planet[planet_index].custom = 1;
- /* Define new texture */
- ReadPlanetTexture (planet_index);
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("PlanetMap: %s texture map is %s",
- planet[planet_index].name, planet[planet_index].texfname);
- }
- void PlanetHidden()
- {
- if (planet_index == (-1)) return;
- planet[planet_index].hidden = 1;
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("PlanetHidden: %s is hidden", planet[planet_index].name);
- }
- void PlanetReposition()
- {
- if (planet_index == (-1)) return;
- Vset (planet[planet_index].pos, mission.cursor);
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("PlanetReposition: %s new position is (%lf,%lf,%lf)",
- planet[planet_index].name,
- mission.cursor[0], mission.cursor[1], mission.cursor[2]);
- }
- void PlanetName()
- {
- int p;
- GetToken();
- if ((-1) == (p = FindPlanetByName(token)))
- {
- Log ("PlanetName: No such planet: %s", token);
- return;
- }
- planet_index = p;
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("PlanetName: Modifying planet %s (index %d)", token, p);
- }
- void PlanetNewname()
- {
- GetToken();
- if (planet_index == (-1)) return;
- strcpy (planet[planet_index].name, token);
- if (mission.verbose)
- Log ("PlanetNewname: Planet %d renamed to %s", planet_index, token);
- }
- void Include()
- /*
- * Open a new include file
- */
- {
- char fn[128];
- GetRequiredToken();
- Log ("Include: Including file %s", token);
- /* Construct file name */
- sprintf (fn, "missions/%s", token);
- if (!PushFD())
- {
- Log ("Include: Can't include file %s", fn);
- return;
- }
- if (NULL == (fd[0] = fopen (fn, "rt")))
- {
- Log ("Include: Can't open include file %s", fn);
- PopFD();
- return;
- }
- }
- int PushFD()
- /*
- * Push a file descriptor onto the stack
- */
- {
- int i;
- sp++;
- /* Overflow? */
- if (sp >= NFDS)
- {
- sp--;
- Log ("PushFD: Include files nested too deeply");
- return 0;
- }
- /* Push stack */
- for (i=sp; i>0; i--) fd[i] = fd[i-1];
- return 1;
- }
- int PopFD()
- /*
- * Pop and FD off the stack
- */
- {
- int i;
- if (sp == 0) return 0;
- sp--;
- for (i=0; i<=sp; i++) fd[i] = fd[i+1];
- return 1;
- }
- #ifdef AMIGA
- int strcasecmp (s1, s2)
- char *s1, *s2;
- {
- int l1, l2, i;
- char c1, c2;
- l1 = strlen (s1);
- l2 = strlen (s2);
- if (l1 != l2) return (1);
- if (l1 == 0) return (0);
- for (i=0; i<l1; i++)
- {
- c1 = tolower (s1[i]);
- c2 = tolower (s2[i]);
- if (c1 != c2)
- {
- return (1);
- }
- }
- return (0);
- }
- int strncasecmp (s1, s2, n)
- char *s1, *s2;
- int n;
- {
- int i;
- char c1, c2;
- for (i=0; i<n; i++)
- {
- c1 = tolower (s1[i]);
- c2 = tolower (s2[i]);
- if (c1 != c2)
- {
- return (1);
- }
- }
- return (0);
- }
- #endif /* AMIGA */
- void DoLoad ()
- /*
- * Sparky has typed a mission to load
- */
- {
- ReadMission (text.buf);
- }